Captain Fall Season 2 is a highly awaited animated web series on Netflix. The series is a Netflix original animated production, created in-house by the streaming platform. Additionally, some staff members from Boulder Media, an Irish studio, have been involved in the project. Boulder Media previously provided assistance on other Netflix shows like “Cat Burglar” and has worked on various projects, including “MLP A New Generation,” “Danger Mouse,” and “Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy.” Here we have covered everything you need to know about Captain Fall Season 2 on Netflix in detail.
Captain Fall Season 2 Release Date on Netflix
Captain Fall Season 2 is expected to release in January 2024 on Netflix. The series has been officially renewed for a second season by Netflix. However, the official announcement regarding the release date of Captain Fall Season 2 is yet to be made.
Also read: Netflix’s Captain Fall Review: Unpredictable Sea of Adventures
Captain Fall Season 2 Plot
The new series is categorized as a “dark comedy” and revolves around a man who unexpectedly becomes the captain of a smuggling ship.
Captain Fall Trailer
Captain Fall Season 2 FAQs
1- What is the release date of Captain Fall Season 2 on Netflix?
Captain Fall Season 2 is expected to release in January 2024 on Netflix.