Can Cancer be Cured or Treated with Ayurveda? Checkout Myths & Facts Here!

Cancer is a major reason for deaths in the world. When this disease occurs, the countdown of death starts running in the patient's mind. Cancer becomes very dangerous and fatal in the last stage.


Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases. It is also a major reason for deaths in the world. When this disease occurs, the countdown of death starts running in the patient’s mind. Cancer becomes very dangerous and fatal in the last stage. If it is identified at the right time, it can be avoided. However, there are many misconceptions about cancer among people. If these are removed, then it can be easy to defeat this disease. A large number of people are living a good life even after having cancer.

Here are some common myths related to cancer and their facts

Myth 1: Cancer means certain death

Fact: Cancer may be a major reason for deaths in the world, but today our science has become so advanced that it can be easily avoided. If cancer is identified at the right time and the patient is taken proper care of, then life can be lived easily even with cancer.

Myth 2: Only people who smoke cigarettes and bidis get lung cancer

Fact: Smoking is definitely a major cause of lung cancer but it is not true that only people who smoke cigarettes and bidis get lung cancer. Lung cancer can also occur due to second hand smoke, environmental factors, air pollution, genetic reasons.

Myth 3: Cancer is an infectious disease

Fact: Cancer is not an infectious disease. It does not spread by coming in contact with a cancer patient or sharing utensils. Some specific cancers are caused by bacteria and viruses. These include cervical cancer, liver cancer and stomach cancer.

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Myth 4: Cancer can be cured by fruits and vegetables

Fact: Fruits and vegetables should definitely be included in your diet. These are very beneficial for health. However, cancer cannot be cured by these or any superfood. However, cancer can be prevented by keeping your diet balanced.

Myth 5: Cancer surgery can be dangerous, so it should be avoided

Fact: Growth in surgical techniques along with robotics and new technologies has made many things easier. With their help, diseases like cancer can be prevented from growing in the beginning. In some cancers, like breast cancer, surgery can be a good first step.

Myth 6: Ayurveda can replace cancer treatments like chemotherapy and surgery

Fact: Cancer can be prevented from growing through chemotherapy and surgery. This can prevent this deadly disease. Tumor is removed through surgery, while chemotherapy is used to destroy cancer cells so that they cannot grow. Ayurveda cannot replace them.


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