Calling Sahasra is an upcoming Telugu crime mystery thriller movie written and directed by Arun Vikkirala. This movie features Sudigali Sudheer and Spandana Palli in the lead roles, along with Dollysha, Siva Balaji, and many others in the supporting roles. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Calling Sahasra movie release date, cast, crew, storyline and more.
Calling Sahasra Movie Release Date
The much awaited Telugu crime mystery thriller movie Calling Sahasra, starring Sudigali Sudheer and Spandana Palli is all set to release in cinema halls on December 1, 2023.
Calling Sahasra Movie Cast
- Sudigali Sudheer
- Dollysha
- Spandana Palli
- Siva Balaji
- Shalu Chourasiya
Calling Sahasra Movie Crew
Arun Vikkirala is the writer and director of the upcoming Telugu crime mystery thriller movie, which is produced by Vijesh Kumar Tayal, Chiranjeevi Pamidi and Venkateswarulu Katuri under the banner of Radha Arts and Shadow Media Productions. Mohith Rahmaniac serves as the Music Director. D. Shashi Kiran holds the position of Director of Photography. Garry Bh is the Editor of this movie.
Calling Sahasra Movie Storyline
The storyline of Calling Sahasra movie revolves around a cyber-security professional who was accidentally involved in an illegal mafia gang. During his investigation, he recovers a SIM card as a clue, which later reveals a huge crime against women. His quest to find the heads of the Mafia.
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Calling Sahasra Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Calling Sahasra movie?
A. Calling Sahasra movie will be released on 1st December 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Calling Sahasra movie?
A. Calling Sahasra movie is directed by Arun Vikkirala.
Q. Who is the producer of Calling Sahasra movie?
A. Calling Sahasra movie is produced by Vijesh Kumar Tayal, Chiranjeevi Pamidi and Venkateswarulu Katuri.
Q. Who is the writer of Calling Sahasra movie?
A. Calling Sahasra movie is written by Arun Vikkirala.