Boys Hostel is an upcoming Telugu comedy drama movie written and directed by Nithin Krishnamurthy. The movie features Prajwal BP, Rakesh Rajkumar, Srivatsa and Tejas Jayanna in the lead roles, while Rishab Shetty, Pawan Kumar and Shine Shetty in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Prajwal BP and Varun Kumar under the banner of Annapurna Studios and Chai Bisket Films. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Boys Hostel release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
Boys Hostel Release Date
Annapurna Studios and Chai Bisket Films bring the popular Kannada movie Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare to the Telugu audience. The much awaited Telugu comedy drama movie Boys Hostel, starring Prajwal BP, Rakesh Rajkumar, Srivatsa and Tejas Jayanna is all set to release in cinema halls on August 26, 2023.
Boys Hostel Cast
- Prajwal BP
- Rakesh Rajkumar
- Srivatsa
- Tejas Jayanna Urs
- Shreyas Sharma
- Bharath Rao
- Anil Huliya
- Pavan Sharma
- Nithin Krishnamurthy
- Shravan
- Venu Madhav
- Gagan Godgai
- Chethan Durga
- Mukesh Singh
- Manjunath Nayaka
- Anirudh Vedanti
- Divya Spandana in a cameo
- Rishab Shetty in a cameo
- Pawan Kumar in a cameo
- Shine Shetty in a cameo
- Diganth in a cameo
Boys Hostel Plot
The plot of Boys Hostel movie is based on a pop culture comedy flick that happens in one night in a hostel, and is shot in a cinema verite style.
Boys Hostel Teaser Trailer
The official teaser trailer of Boys Hostel movie was released by Annapurna Studios on their official YouTube channel.
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Boys Hostel FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Boys Hostel movie?
A. Boys Hostel movie will be released on 26th August 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Boys Hostel movie?
A. Boys Hostel movie is directed by Nithin Krishnamurthy.
Q. Who are the producers of Boys Hostel movie?
A. Boys Hostel movie is produced by Prajwal BP and Varun Kumar.
Q. Who is the writer of Boys Hostel movie?
A. Boys Hostel movie is written by Nithin Krishnamurthy.