Blackwater Lane is an upcoming horror mystery thriller movie directed by Jeff Celentano with screenplay written by Elizabeth Fowler and B.A. Paris. Starring Dermot Mulroney, Minka Kelly, Maggie Grace, Pandora Clifford and Kris Johnson, this movie is produced under the banner of Clear Pictures Entertainment, SSS Entertainment, SSS Film Capital, Grindstone Entertainment Group, Kompros Films, Lipsync Productions and Picture Perfect. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Blackwater Lane movie release date, cast, crew, plot and more.
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Blackwater Lane Movie Release Date
Dermot Mulroney, Minka Kelly and Maggie Grace’s upcoming horror mystery thriller movie, Blackwater Lane is all set to release worldwide on June 21, 2024 and is scheduled to be released by ACE Entertainment and Buffalo 8 Productions.
Blackwater Lane Movie Cast
- Dermot Mulroney as Matthew
- Minka Kelly as Cass
- Maggie Grace as Rachel
- Natalie Simpson as DC Lawson
- Pandora Clifford as Susie
- Kris Johnson as Alex Walters
- Edward Baker-Duly as Dr. Deakins
- Henry William Galpin as Cafe Waiter
- Alan Calton as John Collins
- Mike Ray as Teacher
- Judah Cousin as Andrew
- Sally Blouet as Jane
Blackwater Lane Movie Crew
The crew of Blackwater Lane movie includes Jeff Celentano as the director. The movie is produced by Elizabeth Fowler, Warren Ostergard, Shaun Sanghani and Lucinda Rhodes Thakrar. The production companies involved in the movie is Clear Pictures Entertainment, SSS Entertainment, SSS Film Capital, Grindstone Entertainment Group, Kompros Films, Lipsync Productions and Picture Perfect, while the movie is distributed by ACE Entertainment and Buffalo 8 Productions. Felix Cramer is responsible for cinematography, while Douglas Crise has handled the editing and Nathan Halpern has given the music for the movie. Elizabeth Fowler and B.A. Paris serves as the writers for this movie. Â Â
Blackwater Lane Movie Plot
The plot of Blackwater Lane movie unfolds one night a woman drives by a stranded motorist who is later revealed to have been murdered. After a series of terrifying events the woman believes she is the killer’s next victim.
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Blackwater Lane Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Blackwater Lane movie?
Blackwater Lane movie will be released on 21st June 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of Blackwater Lane movie?
Blackwater Lane movie is directed by Jeff Celentano.
3- Who are the producers of Blackwater Lane movie?
Blackwater Lane movie is produced by Elizabeth Fowler, Warren Ostergard, Shaun Sanghani and Lucinda Rhodes Thakrar.
4- Who are the writers of Blackwater Lane movie?
Blackwater Lane movie is written by Elizabeth Fowler and B.A. Paris.