Badland Hunters, directed by Heo Myung-haeng in his debut, is an upcoming South Korean dystopian action film. Featuring Ma Dong-seok, Lee Hee-joon, Lee Jun-young, and Roh Jeong-eui, the movie serves as a sequel to the 2023 film Concrete Utopia. Set in the aftermath of Seoul’s earthquake-induced transformation into an apocalyptic wasteland, the narrative unfolds in a world where law, order, and civilization have crumbled. This article covers everything about the release date, cast, budget and plot of the Badland Hunters movie.
Badland Hunters Netflix Movie Release Date
Badland Hunters is going to be released on January 26, 2024 on Netflix. The film is a South Korean venture and will directly start to stream on Netflix without prior theatrical release.
Badland Hunters Netflix Movie Cast
- Ma Dong-seok as Nam-san, a relentless wasteland hunter
- Lee Hee-joon as Yang Gi-su, the doctor who survived the catastrophe
- Lee Jun-young as Choi ji-wan, Nam-san’s trusted partner
- Roh Jeong-eui as Suna, a bold girl who follows Nam-san
- Ahn Ji-hye as Eun-ho, a special forces sergeant
Badland Hunters Netflix Movie Budget
Badland Hunters is estimated to be made on a budget of around US $30 million.
Also read: Bubblegum Movie 2023 Box Office Collection Day 5 and Budget
Badland Hunters Netflix Movie Plot
Following a significant earthquake, Seoul, South Korea undergoes a metamorphosis into an apocalyptic wasteland, witnessing the collapse of everything from civilization to law and order.