Ankush is an upcoming Marathi action drama movie directed by Nishant Natharam Dhapse. Co-written by Namdeo Murkute, this movie features Deepraj Ghule and Ketaki Mategaonkar in the lead roles, while Sayaji Shinde, Shashank Shende, Gaurav More, Mangesh Desai, Nagesh Bhonsle, Pooja Nayak and Bharat Ganeshpure in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Rajabhau Apparao Ghule under the banner of Omkar Films. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Ankush release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
Ankush Release Date
The much awaited Marathi movie Ankush which is already among the most anticipated and must-watch Marathi movies of 2023 is all set to release in cinema halls on October 6, 2023.
Ankush Cast
- Deepraj Ghule as Ankush
- Sayaji Shinde as Rana Pardeshi
- Shashank Shende as Ankush Father
- Gaurav More as Mangya
- Mangesh Desai as Sajan Bhai
- Nagesh Bhonsle as Professor
- Ketaki Mategaonkar as Ravi
- Pooja Nayak as Ankush Mother
- Prem Kumavat as Prasanna
- Bharat Ganeshpure as Police inspector
- Rutuja Bagwe as Nandani Surve
- Prasad Kamod as Suyash
- Chinmay Udgirkar as Bhosale
- Kunal Gajbhare as Shambhu
- Urvaraj Gaikwad as Sameer Wabhale
- Siddharth Pratibhawant as Sukya
Ankush Plot
The plot of Ankush movie revolves around a boy named Ankush. He is exceptionally clever and loved by everyone. Because he comes from a middle-class family, there are high expectations placed on him. It’s everyone’s dream for him to work hard, practice, and achieve success. However, due to his financial situation, he faces difficulties compared to the wealthy kids at college. Despite this, he handles it with grace and deals with everything in his own loving manner. Due to his nature, a girl named Ravi falls in love with him. Influenced by his benevolent brother, Ankush comes with a desire to become like him. Ankush doesn’t realize the sacrifices required to become like them. In college, there’s a group of bullies, and Ankush gets caught between them in an attempt to save his own life. Now, the question arises: how does Ankush escape from this situation? How does Ravi support him? How does his family treat him? The movie is based on these many questions. The moral values in this story: No matter how many conspiracies you plot, no matter how much politics you play, the one who stands up for himself is the true Ankush.
Ankush Teaser Trailer
The official teaser trailer of Ankush movie was released by Omkar Film Creations on their official YouTube channel.
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Ankush FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Ankush movie?
A. Ankush movie will be released on 6th October 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Ankush movie?
A. Ankush movie is directed by Nishant Natharam Dhapse.
Q. Who is the producer of Ankush movie?
A. Ankush movie is produced by Rajabhau Apparao Ghule.
Q. Who are the writers of Ankush movie?
A. Ankush movie is written by Nishant Natharam Dhapse and Namdeo Murkute.