Amp House Massacre is an upcoming horror thriller movie written and directed by Dame Pierre and Mike Ware. Starring Kara Royster, Pedro Correa and Ciera Angelia, this movie is produced under the banner of Periscope Post and Audio, Wet Paws Media and Mind the GAP Productions. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Amp House Massacre movie release date, cast, crew, plot and more.
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Amp House Massacre Movie Release Date
Kara Royster, Pedro Correa and Ciera Angelia’s upcoming horror thriller movie, Amp House Massacre is all set to release worldwide on June 17, 2024. The movie is scheduled to be released by PlayArte Pictures and 4Digital Media.
Amp House Massacre Movie Cast
- Kara Royster as Janelle
- Pedro Correa as Hunter
- Ciera Angelia as Kira
- Chris O’Neal as Lonnie
- Cassandra Scerbo as Tiffany
- Brandon Perea as Niko
- Rafael Cebrián as Jaden
- Motoki Maxted as Russell
- Ana Osorio as Amanda
- Dallas Hart as Mario
- Dalton Ell as Carter
- Kyle Matthew as Eddie
- Jordan Tortorello as Marty
- Maya Mohaupt as Della
- Nathan Ansermet as Josh
- Olivia Ostlund as Fan Girl
- Isabella Genovese as Sadie
- Ashley Nicole Reed as Clare
Amp House Massacre Movie Crew
The crew of Amp House Massacre movie includes Dame Pierre and Mike Ware as the directors. The movie is produced by Dallas Hart and Sheila Hart. The production companies involved in the movie is Periscope Post and Audio, Wet Paws Media and Mind the GAP Productions, while the movie is distributed by PlayArte Pictures and 4Digital Media. Ryan Emanuel is responsible for cinematography, while Dame Pierre Smith has handled the editing and Sam Ewing has given the music for the movie. Dame Pierre and Mike Ware also serves as the writers of this movie along with Amanda Ashley Miess.
Amp House Massacre Movie Plot
The plot of Amp House Massacre movie follows a group of social media influencers sharing a mansion in the Hollywood Hills find themselves caught in a life and death game of survival as a killer reveals their deepest secrets before killing them off one by one.
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Amp House Massacre Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Amp House Massacre movie?
Amp House Massacre movie will be released on 17th June 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who are the directors of Amp House Massacre movie?
Amp House Massacre movie is directed by Dame Pierre and Mike Ware.
3- Who are the producers of Amp House Massacre movie?
Amp House Massacre movie is produced by Dallas Hart and Sheila Hart.
4- Who are the writers of Amp House Massacre movie?
Amp House Massacre movie is written by Amanda Ashley Miess, Dame Pierre and Mike Ware.