Air India Express has introduced its ‘New Year Sale,’ offering Xpress Value fares starting at Rs 1,599. These discounted fares are available across major booking platforms, with additional benefits for loyalty members who book through the airline’s website or mobile app.
The sale is open for bookings on domestic flights until January 5, 2025, for travel between January 8 and September 20, 2025. Passengers must book a few days in advance to avail of these special fares. Travelers choosing Xpress Lite fares can also pre-book an additional 3 kg of cabin baggage at no extra cost. Check-in baggage rates have been lowered, with 15 kg priced at Rs 1,000 for domestic flights and 20 kg at Rs 1,300 for international routes.
Loyalty members can enjoy extra privileges under the sale, including 50 percent discounts on upgrades to Biz seats. These upgrades are available on 35 newly added Boeing 737-8 aircraft, which have been inducted as part of the airline’s rapid expansion plan. Air India Express is adding a new aircraft every week and expects its fleet to exceed 110 planes by the end of this fiscal year, said Aloke Singh, the airline’s managing director.
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The airline is focusing on strengthening connections between metro and non-metro routes, as well as short-haul international sectors, which currently make up 65 percent of market growth. Singh mentioned that Air India Express aims to increase connectivity from tier-2 and tier-3 cities to destinations in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and potentially the Far East in the coming years.
While Air India Express focuses on linking smaller cities to international destinations, Air India will continue operating routes between major metro cities, aligning with the Tata Group’s overall aviation strategy.