How To Turn Your Home Into an Eco-Friendly One?


To keep our environment clean and save the planet is what each one of us wants to step into, to turn your home into an eco-friendly one could be the first step. While bringing a change in habit or adding a new idea might be hard to adapt. But what if we tell you that there are numerous ways to make your home more eco-friendly with simple steps? 

Having an eco-friendly environment in your home not only promotes a much cleaner environment but also ensures a healthy and nurturing lifestyle. You feel less independent of nature and tend to contribute more each day. And when as easy as it sounds, it is much easier and will save a lot more bucks. 

To emphasize on how to live a sustainable lifestyle, here are the major ideas and some smart tips on how you can refurbish your home and make it more eco-friendly in 2020. 

Turn Your Home Into an Eco-Friendly

Switch to energy-saving LED Bulbs

While many of us are already using them, there are some homes which lack these energy-saving bulbs. Using LED bulbs around your house will save a good amount of energy consumption. And they are cheaper and much brighter than any classic CFL or incandescent bulbs. 


Embrace eco-friendly cleaning products

Using eco-friendly cleaning products also plays a vital role in saving the environment. A strong chemical usage increases the percentage of unwanted chemicals in the natural water bodies through the surface and drains runoffs. Instead of these, you can use natural cleaning products which are a lot safer to use and easy to handle. 


Plan your home with ‘Green’ theme

Planning your home with greenery in it is becoming much more of a trend nowadays. Courtyard, terrace and roof gardens, and vertical green walls are common to find and easy to setup. Such small steps can keep your house temperature much lower and decrease your overall carbon footprint. 

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Switch to compost

Overusing fertilizers could ruin your cultivation. Their continuous usage could lower the fertility and mineral potential in the soil. Instead, our readers can use compost mixtures. These could be made up of dry leaves, cut grass, and organic kitchen waste. This way, your soil retains its quality and you will get much cleaner products. 



This may sound a little odd to our culture of having ‘New’ things around the house, but doing it correctly can boost your home decor for the better. Refurbishing furniture such as tables, sofas and beds, clothing made from recycled bottles and toilet tissues, and kitchen roles could be a great start to follow. 


Solar panels

Solar panels are the utmost contribution to saving energy. They are used by factories, offices, schools, and homes. Installing solar panels in your home could be taken as a hole in your pocket, but they are much cheaper nowadays and provide low energy bills for up to 20 years. 


Save serious amounts of Water

Studies show that saving water is easy and brings maximum benefits. Rebuilding any leaks and drippings in your home, closing running taps while brushing or shaving, keeping a check on water usage, and going for rainwater harvesting systems can save up to 1,60,000 liters of water every year. 


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