WHO to launch whatsapp chatbot to Fight against Coronavirus

With over 337,000 positive cases and many unwanted lives taken from the widely spread Coronavirus, the world is taken aback from its presence.

The pandemic is impacting communities over the world. And for the 2 billion who use the communication service Whatsapp, is needed more than ever now for interaction to fight against coronavirus.

The app has played a vital role in calling, messaging and sharing trustworthy information. And now, WHO has taken one step forward with the social platform.

Two days ago, WHO launched a tool/ chatbot which helps its readers to get the latest news and updates regarding coronavirus. For becoming a participant in the group, Whatsapp users will have to send “Hi” to +41 79 893 18 92.

In return, you will get a list of service items from which you can choose to get notified. These search items have a myth-busting analysis of novel coronavirus infection rates around the world, travel advisories, and misinformation that should be debunked.

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Additionally, WHO sends out proactive information which is being deployed on every media platform. Currently, the bot program is running through Whatsapp’s business application programming interface.

This ensures the encryption of messages and keeps loose ends tight. As people are going for home isolation, more people than ever are using the app. For this, Whatsapp has nearly doubled its server capacity to maintain them to maintain the flow of sharing messages on their application. 

The service is run under Will Cathcart, WHO Health Alert, and the team. When asked about the progress of the tool Will stated, “We already have over one million people signed up till yet. It’s great. There seems to be a lot of appetite from people for ways to get good, accurate information and we’re happy to do what we can there to help.”

Subsequently, with Whatsapp and cooperation of the government of every country, WHO and other medical agencies are stepping forward to fight against this virus massacre.

WHO hasn’t been the first to take effective steps in spreading true facts and data. With the latest information handling experience of Whatsapp, the government has taken coordination to share the responsible status of previous national and international matters.

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This helps them tackle hidden controversy and safeguard their citizens with peace. COVID-19 has been one of the most important aspects of a matter of medical urgency. 


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