Firebrand is an upcoming historical drama movie directed by Karim Aïnouz with screenplay written by Henrietta Ashworth and Jessica Ashworth. Starring Alicia Vikander, Jude Law, and Eddie Marsan, this movie is produced under the banner of MBK Productions, Brouhaha Entertainment, FilmNation Entertainment and Magnolia Mae Films. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Firebrand movie release date, cast, crew, story and more.
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Firebrand Movie Release Date
Alicia Vikander and Jude Law’s upcoming historical drama movie, Firebrand is all set to release worldwide on June 14, 2024. The movie is scheduled to be released by Amazon Prime Video.
Firebrand Movie Cast
- Alicia Vikander as Katherine Parr
- Jude Law as Henry VIII
- Eddie Marsan as Edward Seymour
- Ruby Bentall as Cat
- Bryony Hannah as Ellen
- Sam Riley as Thomas Seymour
- Maia Jemmett as Dot
- Amr Waked as Dr. Mulay Al Farabi
- Erin Doherty as Anne Askew
- Junia Rees as Princess Elizabeth
- Patsy Ferran as Princess Mary
- Patrick Buckley as Prince Edward
- Mina Andala as Jalinda
- Paul Tinto as Stowe
- Mia Threapleton as Joan Bocher
- Simon Russell Beale as Stephen Gardiner
- Linnea Martinsson as Maude Lane
- Ashley Reynolds as Leo
- Lisa Pyk Wirstrom as Eleanor Browne
- Ian Drysdale as Sir Anthony Denny
- Edward Harrison as John Gates
- Norman Bowman as Sir William Herbert
- Jason Baughan as Will Sommers
- Anna Mawn as Agnes Howard
Firebrand Movie Crew
The crew of Firebrand movie includes Karim Aïnouz as the director. The movie is produced by Carolyn Marks Blackwood and Gabrielle Tana. The production companies involved in the movie are MBK Productions, Brouhaha Entertainment, FilmNation Entertainment and Magnolia Mae Films, while the movie is distributed by Amazon Prime Video. Hélène Louvart is responsible for cinematography, while Heike Parplies has handled the editing and Dickon Hinchliffe has given the music for the movie. Henrietta Ashworth and Jessica Ashworth serves as the writers for this movie.
Firebrand Movie Story
The story of Firebrand movie revolves around Katherine Parr, the sixth and final wife of Henry VIII.
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Firebrand Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Firebrand movie?
Firebrand movie will be released on 14th June 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of Firebrand movie?
Firebrand movie is directed by Karim Aïnouz.
3- Who are the producers of Firebrand movie?
Firebrand movie is produced by Carolyn Marks Blackwood and Gabrielle Tana.
4- Who are the writers of Firebrand movie?
Firebrand movie is written by Henrietta Ashworth and Jessica Ashworth.