Family Aaj Kal is an upcoming comedy drama web series that is soon to hit on the SonyLIV OTT platform. Directed by Parikshit Joshi, this web series features Apoorva Arora, Sonali Sachdev, Aakarshan Singh, Prakhar Singh, Masood Akhtar and Nitesh Pandey. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Family Aaj Kal series release date on SonyLIV, cast, crew, story and more.
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Family Aaj Kal Release Date on SonyLIV
SonyLIV has officially announced the release date of much awaited comedy drama web series, Family Aaj Kal is all set to release on April 3, 2024.
Family Aaj Kal Cast
- Apoorva Arora as Meher
- Nitesh Pandey as Shekhar
- Sonali Sachdev as Faiza
- Aakarshan Singh as Sahir
- Prakhar Singh as Gaurav
Family Aaj Kal Crew
Parikshit Joshi is the director of the upcoming comedy drama web series, which is made under the banner of Civic Studios along with Amazon Prime Video. Anushka Shah serves as the producer of this web series. Manoj Kalwani serves as the writer for this web series.
Family Aaj Kal Story
The story of Family Aaj Kal series revolves around Meher, an independent and talented woman who falls in love with a cab driver and chooses him as her partner. It is set against the backdrop of Delhi and promises to give you an experience of the highs and lows of family life.
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Family Aaj Kal FAQs
1- What is the release date of Family Aaj Kal on SonyLIV?
Family Aaj Kal will be released on 3rd April 2024 on the SonyLIV’s OTT platform.
2- Who is the director of SonyLIV’s Family Aaj Kal web series?
SonyLIV’s Family Aaj Kal web series is directed by Parikshit Joshi.
3- Who is the producer of SonyLIV’s Family Aaj Kal web series?
SonyLIV’s Family Aaj Kal web series is produced by Anushka Shah.
4- Who is the writer of SonyLIV’s Family Aaj Kal web series?
SonyLIV’s Family Aaj Kal web series is written by Manoj Kalwani.