Humane is an upcoming horror thriller movie directed by Caitlin Cronenberg and written by Michael Sparaga. Starring Jay Baruchel, Emily Hampshire and Peter Gallagher, this movie is produced under the banner of Victory Man Productions and Prospero Pictures. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Humane release date, cast, crew, plot and more.
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Humane Movie Release Date
Jay Baruchel, Emily Hampshire and Peter Gallagher’s upcoming horror thriller movie, Humane is all set to release worldwide on April 26, 2024 by IFC Films and Elevation Pictures.
Humane Movie Cast
- Jay Baruchel as Jared York
- Emily Hampshire as Rachel York
- Peter Gallagher as Charles York
- Enrico Colantoni as Bob
- Sebastian Chacon as Noah York
- Alanna Bale as Ashley York
- Sirena Gulamgaus as Mia York
- Uni Park as Dawn Kim
- Martin Roach as Tony
- Franckie Francois as Malik
- Joel Gagne as Yusef
- Blessing Adedijo as Grace
- Natalia Gracious as Sanjit’s wife
- Yanna McIntosh as Political Commentator
- Tara Spencer-Nairn as Enid
- Eadie Murphy as Young Girl
Humane Movie Crew
The crew of Humane movie includes Caitlin Cronenberg as the director and Michael Sparaga as the writer. The movie is produced by Michael Sparaga, Martin Katz and Karen Wookey. The production companies involved in the movie are Victory Man Productions and Prospero Pictures, while the movie is distributed by IFC Films and Elevation Pictures. Douglas Koch is responsible for the cinematography, while Orlee Buium has handled the editing and Todor Kobakov has given the music of the movie.
Humane Movie Plot
The plot of Humane movie is set in the wake of an environmental collapse that is forcing humanity to shed 20% of its population, a family dinner erupts into chaos when a father’s plan to enlist in the government’s new euthanasia program goes horribly awry.
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Humane Movie FAQs
1- What is the release date of Humane movie?
Humane movie will be released on 26th April 2024 in the cinema halls.
2- Who is the director of Humane movie?
Humane movie is directed by Caitlin Cronenberg.
3- Who are the producers of Humane movie?
Humane movie is produced by Michael Sparaga, Martin Katz and Karen Wookey.
4- Who is the writer of Humane movie?
Humane movie is written by Michael Sparaga.