An upcoming American adventure fantasy television series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, also known as Avatar: The Legend of Aang, is currently in production. Serving as a live-action adaptation of the acclaimed animated series that aired from 2005 to 2008, the project was first announced in September 2018. Albert Kim is onboard as the showrunner, leading an ensemble cast that includes Gordon Cormier, Dallas Liu, Kiawentiio, Ian Ousley, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, Elizabeth Yu, and Daniel Dae Kim. This article covers everything about Netflix Original Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender cast salary and budget.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Netflix 2024 Series Cast Salary List
- Gordon Cormier as Avatar Aang: Salary of US $400,000
- Dallas Liu as Prince Zuko: Fee of US $200,000
- Kiawentiio as Katara: Salary of US $200,000
- Ian Ousley as Sokka: Salary of US $200,000
- Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Uncle Iroh: Salary of US $250,000
- Elizabeth Yu as Princess Azula: Fee of US $150,000
- Daniel Dae Kim as Fire Lord Ozai: Salary of US $400,000
- Ken Leung as Commander Zhao: Salary of US $150,000
- Maria Zhang as Suki: Salary of US $50,000
- Lim Kay Siu as Gyatso: Salary of US $75,000
- A Martinez as Pakku: Salary of US $100,000
- Amber Midthunder as Princess Yue: Salary of US $100,000
- Yvonne Chapman as Avatar Kyoshi: Salary of US $75,000
- Tamlyn Tomita as Yukari: Fee of US $50,000
- Casey Camp-Horinek as Gran Gran: Salary of US $30,000
- C. S. Lee as Avatar Roku: Salary of US $75,000
- Danny Pudi as The Mechanist: Salary of US $50,000
- Utkarsh Ambudkar as King Bumi: Salary of US $30,000
Avatar: The Last Airbender Netflix 2024 Series Budget
Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender Series is made on a massive budget of US $200 million. Reportedly, each episode of the series is said to have a budget exceeding $15 million, with eight episodes planned per season.
Also read: Avatar: The Way of Water OTT Release Date, OTT Platform and TV Rights in India
Avatar: The Last Airbender Plot
Set in a war-torn world, the series draws inspiration from various Asian and Indigenous American cultures. In this universe, certain individuals possess the ability to “bend” one of the four classical elements: water, earth, fire, or air. Aang, the “Avatar” and the last living Airbender, serves as the link between the mortal and spirit realms, uniquely capable of bending all four elements. Charged with maintaining balance and peace, Aang must confront the militaristic Fire Nation’s ambitions to dominate the world. Accompanied by his newfound allies Katara and Sokka, Aang embarks on a journey to master the four elements while evading capture by Zuko, the exiled crown prince of the Fire Nation, determined to redeem himself by capturing the Avatar.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Netflix 2024 Series Cast Salary and Budget FAQs
1- What is the budget of Netflix’s Avatar Series?
Avatar: The Last Airbender Series is made on a huge budget of US $120 million. Each episode of the show cost around US $15 million.
2- What is the salary of Avatar: The Last Airbender Series cast members?
Avatar: The Last Airbender Series cast earned a huge amount of money with Gordon Cormier who plays the titular character receiving US $400,000 as his fee.