Ghost is an Indian Kannada-language film released in 2023. This heist action thriller is both written and directed by M. G. Srinivas. The movie features a talented ensemble cast, including Shiva Rajkumar, Jayaram, Anupam Kher, Prashant Narayanan, Satya Prakash, and Archana Jois. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the second day box office collection of Ghost.
Ghost Kannada Movie Box Office Collection Day 2
Ghost, the Kannada film starring Shiva Rajkumar is expected to earn around Rs 5 Crores at the box office on day 2. Ghost is a pan-Indian film that has simultaneously released in various languages across India. The director M.G. Srinivas has termed the Ghost as a unique gangster thriller.
Also read: Ghost Kannada Movie Box Office Collection Day 1
Ghost is estimated to be made on a budget of around Rs 60 Crores. It is a high budget Kannada film. Ghost is the first installment of a cinematic universe where M. G Srinivas will be reprising his role as Mahesh Das from Birbal Trilogy Case 1: Finding Vajramuni.