Due Justice is an upcoming American action crime drama movie written and directed by Javier Reyna. Co-written by Ilana Wolpert, the movie stars Kellan Lutz and Efren Ramirez in the lead roles. The movie is produced by Elias Axume, Al Bravo, Moctesuma Esparza and HemDee Kiwanuka under the banner of Premiere Entertainment Group, Al Bravo Films and BondIt Media Capital. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Due Justice release date, cast, story, teaser, trailer and more.
Due Justice Movie Release Date
Jeff Fahey, Kellan Lutz and Efren Ramirez’s upcoming American action crime drama movie Due Justice is all set to release worldwide on November 24, 2023.
Due Justice Movie Cast
- Jeff Fahey as Ellis
- Kellan Lutz as Max
- Efren Ramirez as Santiago
- Cynthia Geary as Dr. Delaney
- Manu Intiraymi as Jerry
- Chelsea Lopez as Roxy
- Tonantzin Esparza as Det. Vasquez
- David Jofre as Juan
- Hallie Shepherd as Sue
- Niko Foster as Capt. Daniels
- Briana Bui as Coffeehouse Patron
- Lowell Deo as News Anchor
- Raymond Power as Keko
- Tamas Nadas as Kevin
- Meredith Binder as Wendy
- Megan Brotherton as Hanna
- Darryl Lemon as Big John
- Kai Bagley as Ray
Due Justice Movie Story
The story of Due Justice movie follows an attorney with a military past hunts down the gang who killed his wife and brother and took his daughter. Former marine Max (Kellan Lutz) experiences a devastating loss when his beloved wife and daughter are brutally murdered in a cold blooded act of violence. Consumed by grief and driven by revenge, Max embarks on a relentless mission to hunt down those responsible.
Due Justice Movie Teaser Trailer
The official teaser trailer of Due Justice movie was released by Rapid Trailers on their official YouTube channel.
Also Read: Anyone But You Movie Release Date, Cast, Story, Teaser, Trailer and More
Due Justice Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Due Justice movie?
A. Due Justice movie will be released on 24th November 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Due Justice movie?
A. Due Justice movie is directed by Javier Reyna.
Q. Who are the producers of Due Justice movie?
A. Due Justice movie is produced by Elias Axume, Al Bravo, Moctesuma Esparza and HemDee Kiwanuka.
Q. Who is the writer of Due Justice movie?
A. Due Justice movie is written by Javier Reyna.