Sam Bahadur, is an upcoming Hindi-language biopic that tells the life story of India’s inaugural field marshal, Sam Manekshaw. The film is directed by Meghna Gulzar and produced by Ronnie Screwvala through RSVP Movies. The title role is portrayed by Vicky Kaushal, with an ensemble cast featuring Fatima Sana Shaikh, Sanya Malhotra, Neeraj Kabi, Edward Sonnenblick, and Zeeshan Ayyub. The film is estimated to be made on a budget of Rs 70 Crore. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the salary of Sam Bahadur cast members.
Sam Bahadur Cast Salary
Vicky Kaushal is playing the titular role in Sam Bahadur for a massive salary of Rs 10 Crore. Kaushal looks super dapper in the trailer of the film.
Sanya Malhotra portrays Silloo Manekshaw, Sam’s wife in Sam Bahadur for a huge fee of around Rs 1 Crore.
Fatima Sana Shaikh is cast as Indira Gandhi for a whopping fee of Rs 1 Crore. Her role is extremely significant in the film.
Also read: Sam Bahadur Budget and Box Office Collection Prediction
Actor Neeraj Kabi plays Jawaharlal Nehru in Sam Bahadur for about Rs 30 Lakhs.
Edward Sonnenblick is cast as Lord Mountbatten for a salary of Rs 30 Lakhs.
Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub is going to be seen in the role of Yahya Khan for a salary of around Rs 15 Lakhs.