8 Proven Strategies to Cut Down the Risk of Heart Disease Risk and Heart Attack

Implementing these eight measures can reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attacks by as much as 70%.


The risk of heart diseases is increasing rapidly all over the world, even people of younger age are falling prey to it. Health experts say that lifestyle and dietary disturbances are the main causes of this dangerous disease, about which all people need to be constantly cautious. The researchers said that the way high blood pressure and cholesterol problems are being seen in people under the age of 20, it is definitely dangerous.

8 Proven Strategies to Cut Down the Risk of Heart Disease Risk and Heart Attack

Diet disturbances like excess of sodium, habit of consuming oily things in large quantities can also increase challenges for heart health. It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack. By adopting some habits and measures, you can reduce the risk of heart attack by up to 70%. There has been an Increase in the risk of heart diseases. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death.


Health experts say, in the United States, one person dies of heart disease every 37 seconds. About 650,000 people die from it every year. This number has been increasing every year since 2014. What is even more shocking than these numbers is that in most cases this disease can be prevented to a great extent. By adopting measures to keep the heart healthy, it can be protected from major danger. In this article, we will take a look at eight measures that can reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack.

8 Essential Measures to Lower the Risk of Heart Disease and Heart Attack

1. Healthy diet

Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day. These are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, which promote heart health. Fish, flax seeds and walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which control cholesterol and reduce inflammation in the body.

2. Stay away from smoking and alcohol

Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for heart attack. At the same time, excessive consumption of alcohol can increase blood pressure and triglycerides levels. It is important to keep a distance from both these habits.

3. Control blood pressure and cholesterol

To keep the heart healthy, get your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked regularly and follow the doctor’s advice to keep them under control. Excessive consumption of salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attack. Keep the amount of salt in the diet low.

4. Exercise regularly

At least 30 minutes of physical activity per day, such as walking, swimming or cycling, helps strengthen the heart muscle.

5. Manage stress

Stress management techniques like yoga and meditation can help improve mental health. The risk of heart disease can also be reduced by reducing stress.

6. Control weight

Take measures to control weight with the help of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Studies show that people suffering from stress and anxiety have a higher risk of heart problems. Regular physical activity is very beneficial for you.

7. Control diabetes

Just like blood pressure and cholesterol, keeping blood sugar levels under control is also essential to keep the heart healthy. Monitor your blood sugar level regularly and follow the doctor’s advice. Keeping diabetes under control reduces the risk of heart disease.

8. Keep drinking plenty of water

Drinking adequate amount of water throughout the day keeps the blood flow smooth and reduces pressure on the heart. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. It is very important for the body to stay hydrated to keep the heart healthy.


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