7 ways to reduce your chances of developing cancer


Have you ever thought that we have a 39.5 percent chance of developing cancer as a result of our poor lifestyle choices such as chewing tobacco, excessive sun exposure, and so on? Do you know how many poor people die due to cancer because of a lack of awareness and the non-availability of financial sources?

As per updated information, cancer incidence in India climbed at an annual pace of 1.1 to 2% on average between 2010 and 2019, and deaths in the country continued to rise by 0.1 to 1 percent on average during the same time frame. Although it is difficult to reduce the risk of developing cancer still you can reduce your risk by choosing a good lifestyle However, as medical technology has advanced, survival rates for many types of cancer are enhanced, but what about people who follow an unhealthy lifestyle and make bad choices. So today I would discuss 7 proven ways that can prevent you from the increased risk of cancer.

The following risk factors and mechanisms have been proposed for developing cancer:

  • Smoking habits, Chewing tobacco, an unhealthy diet, and working with toxic chemicals are instances of lifestyle choices that may be risk factors for cancers in the majority of people. However, most children with cancer are too young to have been exposed to these risk factors for an extended period Subsequently, family history, inheritance, and genetics may all play a role in some childhood cancers.
  • Cancer of various types can occur more than once in a family or a lifespan. In these circumstances, it is unclear whether the disease is caused by a gene variant, chemical exposure near a family’s home, a combination of these factors, or simply a resemblance.
  • Exposure to the environment. Pesticides, fertilizers, and power lines have all been linked and connected to childhood tumors. Cancer has been reported among unrelated children in certain neighborhoods and/or cities. It is unknown whether prenatal or infant exposure to these agents causes cancer or if it is a coincidence.
  • Some high-dose of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is the type of proven cancer treatments that are considered effective but may consist variety of side effects. Children who have been exposed to these treatments may develop a second malignancy later in life in some cases. These potent anticancer agents can alter cells and/or the immune system. A second malignancy is a cancer that develops as a result of treatment for another cancer.

Here is the list of 7 ways to prevent developing cancer


  1. Stop Consuming Tobacco:

Tobacco use of any kind puts you on a collision course with cancer. Smoking has been linked to a variety of cancers, including lung, mouth, throat, larynx, pancreas, bladder, cervix, blood, and kidney cancer. Chewing tobacco has been linked to the oral cavity and the development of pancreatic cancer. Even if you are not using tobacco,  smoking may increase your risk of developing lung cancer. Tobacco avoidance or the decision to stop using it is a crucial part of cancer prevention. If you need assistance quitting tobacco, consult your doctor about stop-smoking products and other quitting methods.

Stop Smoking to prevent cancer

  1. Maintain a healthy weight and engage in physical activity:

Getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day can improve your overall health and well-being. Obesity and inactivity have been linked to breast and colorectal cancer, with some evidence of a link to lung and pancreatic cancer as well. Include exercise in your routine to reduce stress, increase energy, strengthen your immune system, manage your weight, and lower your risk of cancer.

Maintain a healthy weight and engage in physical activity to reduce the risk of cancer

  1. Shield your skin from  the sun 

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and one of the easiest to avoid. Consider the following suggestions to avoid developing skin cancer:

  • Avoid being out when the sun is directly overhead.
  • Keep close to fresh air and Stay in the shade as much as possible when you’re outside. Sunglasses/Goggles, Caps, and a wide-brimmed hat can also help.
  • Protect any exposed areas by wearing clothes that are tightly woven. Try covering every part of your body as possible. Choose bright or dark colors that reflect more UV radiation than pastels or bleached cotton.
  • Don’t be cheap quality sunscreen products on your body. Moreover, even on cloudy days, use branded sunscreen that protects you from ultraviolet radiation.

Protect your skin from sun


  1. Limit Your Alcohol Intake:

Don’t drink alcohol excessively at all. Even when you crave alcohol you should take one drink per week. Excess alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, larynx (voice box), esophagus (food pipe), liver, and colon, as well as breast cancer in women. Smoking Tobacco increases the risk of many alcohol-related cancers.

Limit Your alcohol to 1 drink per week

  1. Make 8 hours of sleep your priority: 

To be sure, the evidence linking sleep to cancer is weak. However, a lack of sleep is linked to weight gain, which is a risk factor for pancreatic and prostate cancer. 8 hours of sleep is always necessary for your body to remain fit and strong.

8 hours of sleep

  1. Get routine screening tests

Conducting cancer diagnostic tests at periodic intervals is the best and most effective way to prevent cancer. Similarly, screening tests can not only identify cancers at an early stage, but also they are more durable, and they can also critically prevent disease in the area of colon and cervical tumors.

Also Read- How Healthy Are Starbucks Drinks If You’re Watching Those Calories!

Get routine screening test to reduce chance of developing cancer


  1. Exercise regularly:

Regular physical activities and exercising have been linked to a lower risk of colon cancer. Moreover, exercise appears to reduce a woman’s risk of developing breast and possibly uterus cancers. Even if you don’t lose weight, exercise will improve your immunity and thus reduce cancer risk.

Exercise regularly to reduce cancer risk



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