7 Fruits and Vegetables to Improve Bone Strength 


There are many ways to live a long life. By including fruits and vegetables in our diet is also one of the ways to extend one’s life span. Avoiding them could lead to shredding of hope to a longer life, so including them in the diet is a must for everyone.

A human experience a lot of changes during his growing age and changes in bone density is one of them. Adults suffer a lot in case of bone strength and this is common among them. But this doesn’t mean nothing can be done to improve bone strength, definitely, it can be improved.

7 Fruits and Vegetables to Improve Bone Strength 

You just need to pay attention to what you are including in your diet, have to go through its nutrients content, whether it’s helping you or not. If you have finally decided to include fruits and vegetables in your diet then you have landed on the right page today.

Here is a list of fruits and vegetables that are mainly rich and high in calcium and Vitamin D. These items can be consumed irrespective of age and make sure to include them in your regular diet for better bone strength.

7 Fruit and Vegetables for Better Bone Strength

  1. Bananas

We all know bananas for better digestion. But do you know that bananas are also a great source of magnesium to strengthen one’s bones? Apart from strengthening bones, bananas also play an integral role in teeth structure development.

There are a lot of ways to eat a banana. Either you can directly peel it off and eat it or the best way is to cut it into small pieces and mix it with other fruits. If you believe this is a time-consuming method then the best way is to prepare a banana shake. Like this, you will be benefitted from magnesium, iron, and calcium at the same time.


  1. Papaya

Talking about calcium-rich fruit and papaya will always be on the top of the list. According to researchers, if you are including 100 grams of papaya daily in your diet then you are benefitting your body with 20mg of calcium.

Eating papaya daily is a good habit and if you wish to live long, then never forget to make it a part of your daily diet.

  1. Orange

7 Fruits and Vegetables to Improve Bone Strength 

Who doesn’t like squishy fruits like orange? We all have eaten this fruit when we were small and still enjoy eating it in the summers. Freshly prepared orange juice is rich in Vitamin D and calcium; therefore, it helps in strengthening our bones and increasing their density too.

Did you know that if you daily include oranges in your diet then you can prevent osteoporosis? Well, now you are aware of this fact too and hope to start consuming this fruit too.


  1. Strawberries

Never neglect berries when you are shopping. Make sure to buy them as they come with a lot of health benefits. You might not be aware of its nutrients but berries are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K.

So, nothing can be best other than strawberries to strengthen your bones. Include them in your diet daily and you will see the results later.

  1. Kiwi

7 Fruits and Vegetables to Improve Bone Strength 

This soft and juicy fruit is the favorite of many health-conscious people. It is said that a single piece of kiwi contains 60mg of calcium and that is a lot in a day. This also helps in preventing osteoporosis and developing bone strength along with teeth strength.

  1. Spinach

How can we leave green leafy vegetables behind when it comes to improving bone strength? Many of us like to eat spinach but are not aware of its nutrient contents. Well, this green leafy vegetable contains lots of calcium that will definitely strengthen our bones and also improve teeth development.

According to researches, consuming a cup of cooked spinach will benefit our body with almost 25 percent of its daily calcium requirement. This is a lot that a human can have in his/her diet. Apart from calcium, spinach is also said to be rich in iron and Vitamin A.

  1. Pineapple

It would be wrong to say that pineapple provides calcium and Vitamin D directly to the body. Instead, it is a source of potassium which is meant to neutralize the level of acid in our body and prevent the loss of calcium. It is also a good source of Vitamin A.

Also Read- Benefits of Kiwi and Pineapple For Health That You Need To Know

If you are too lazy to work out then consuming these food items will do the trick for you. So, start including these in your diet plan to keep your bones strong. Besides this, these are also a substitute in case of food cravings.


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