6 platforms for finding orders for Big Data Engineer


Big Data Engineer is a profession in demand today. Businesses are massively moving to the use of big data to improve the efficiency of their activities and are hiring specialists. But not every company has the desire and ability to hire a Big Data Engineer. Therefore, among the offers you can find both jobs for Big Data Engineer and individual orders. The last offers should be of particular interest to those who are just starting their career in this profession, and who want to develop a portfolio and improve their skills. Where to look for Big Data Engineer orders?

6 platforms for finding orders for Big Data Engineer

Source: Usplash


Even if you already have a permanent job, but you try yourself in other directions, types of business, using other tools and programs, you can always find a parallel project on Freelancer. This is one of the largest platforms that unites customers and performers around the world. Here you can find really interesting projects that will help you improve your level and decide on your further career development as a Big Data Engineer. Perhaps after one or two orders, you decide to go completely freelance?

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This platform is focused more on finding a permanent job than on finding orders. But if you have your own profile here, it is correctly filled out, all the points of the resume are spelled out, and you can get a profitable project from this site. The difference will be that you will not be looking for a customer, but they will be looking for you, so the quality of the profile is of decisive importance. There are few people looking for specialists to fulfill one-time orders through this professional social network, but we recommend having a profile in it.

LinkedIn Profinder

This is the direction of the aforementioned platform, created specifically for finding freelancers. You can also find a project here, but more still offer permanent remote or freelance work.

The convenience of using these two networks is that their profiles are interconnected and this gives more opportunities. 


Another platform with a social network concept. But it differs in that it unites freelancers. Here you can find a variety of complexity, payment, projects. You can talk to other experts, share experiences, and ask for help. Such a 2 in 1 platform, both for searching for orders and for communicating with freelancers from all over the world.

Work Nomads

This platform is focused more on IT professionals. Tu more often than on other specialized resources, you can find projects, and not a permanent job offer. The platform is not as massive as Freelancer or LinkedIn, but highly specialized. Therefore, there are quite a lot of interesting projects for various IT specialists, including Big Data Engineer.


Another platform where there are vacancies and projects for IT specialists. We drew attention to it, since here you can check any employer or customer. Specialists can anonymously leave their feedback about companies and clients on order fulfillment. After all, freelancing is good because not only the customer can choose the contractor, but the contractor also decides whether they want to work with this customer or not.

I would like to note that among all IT specialists, it is Big Data Engineer who most often looks for a permanent job. For example, Tableau Data Analyst jobs offer a great selection of roles and work-related benefits.


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