4 Simple Home Remedies to Stop Burning Eyes in the Morning

To make the eyes healthy, it is important to take care of them like physical health. Working on the computer for a long time can cause fatigue in the eyes of people. Due to this, there may be burning or pain in the eyes in the morning. In such a situation, you can follow some home remedies.


Some people start feeling burning or pain in their eyes while getting up in the morning. Nowadays life has become busy anyway. All the work is being done on tech gadgets. Working on the computer for a long time in low light can cause fatigue in the eyes of people. This is also the reason why your eyes can be affected by it.

4 Simple Home Remedies to Stop Burning Eyes in the Morning

Apart from this, being in pollution throughout the day can also cause such problems in the eyes. To avoid eye problems, it is also necessary to give them some rest. However, here we will tell you about some home remedies to remove eye irritation, which can be very beneficial. Eyes will stop burning as soon as you wake up in the morning, if you follow these simple home remedies.


1) Cucumber slices

If your eyes are burning in the morning, then keep cucumber slices. Cut two slices in a cucumber. After this, keep them in your eyes. After this, give rest to the eyes for at least 10 minutes. This will reduce irritation and give relief to the eyes.

2) Rose water

Rose water is also very beneficial to remove eye irritation. It has been used for years for skin care. Soak a cotton ball in rose water and keep it on the eyes for about 10 to 15 minutes. This provides relief from inflammation and irritation.

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3) Tea bags

Antioxidants are found in abundance in green tea or chamomile tea bags. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing eye irritation and swelling. After dipping the tea bags in hot water, keep them in the fridge to cool. After some time, place it on the eyes. This will provide relief from irritation.

4) Potato slices

Potatoes are also very beneficial in reducing eye irritation. You can place potato slices on the eyes. This will reduce irritation to a great extent. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, cut them and place them on the eyes. By doing this you will feel relaxed.


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