18 Tips to Cure Your Hangover: The Aussie Tip will Make You Feel Delightful

People in the Netherlands fight fire with fire. They drink beer to remove the effects of a hangover.


Waking up with a dizzy head and always wanting to vomit is the worst feeling to have after partying all night in glitz and glamour with booze flowing like mineral water. A hangover can really mess up your day if you don’t know the perfect cure to get it over. Worry not, if you have something significant scheduled and looking for a hangover cure to go on with your day. Here we have listed some of the most brilliant hangover cures that are followed by people to continue with their day all around the world.

Tips to Cure Hangover

1- Coconut Water

1- Coconut Water

In the South Pacific region, coconut water has been used as a reliable method to get over a bad hangover for quite a few years now. Coconut water contains electrolytes which will make you feel refreshed and energised. Say goodbye, to your hangover swiftly by adapting this cure.

2- Cheeseburger Pizza

Cheeseburger Pizza

Who would have thought that cheeseburger pizza could be a cure for a hangover? If you ask a hardcore Aussie, you would know that a cheeseburger pizza with fries works like a charm to cure a bad hangover. Eat your way out of the hangover.

3- Herbal Bitters

herbal bitters

Italians love this cure for hangovers and widely practice it. If you ever meet an Italian while being hungover, ask them about the perfect cure, and they will recommend a herbal concoction to you for sure. It indeed works magically.

4- Armpit Lemon

armpit lemon

One of the easiest and obviously the most shocking hangover cure is armpit lemon, that’s recommended by Puerto Ricans. If you don’t wanna wake up with a bad hangover, then you should rub a lemon in your armpit before binge drinking. It’s definitely worth a try for sure.

5- Umeboshi


The Japanese people are known to eat Umeboshi, which is often referred to as salty Japanese plums, to recover fast from a hangover. If you have gotten a bit too much of the saki, then you should surely try this hangover cure.

6- Pickled Herring

6- Pickled Herring

Well, now, this might disgust some people who are particularly not fans of pickles and seafood. Pickled Herring is a dish that consists of fish and onions and is often called the rollmops. It has been a reliable cure for bad hangovers in Germany for years.

7- Sauna

russian sauna

This is an unusual hangover cure that has been working for the Russians. However, to try this cure, you must be in a sauna. Russians flog each other with beach leaves in a sauna to get rid of hangovers. Pretty interesting, ain’ it?

8- Wet Sand

wet river sand

Another weird hangover cure from around the globe. Wet river sand was used by the people in Old Ireland to get rid of hangovers. You just have to cover your body with wet river sand to let the effects of this cure work. Worth a try.

9- Pickle Juice

pickle juice

The Polish people believe that drinking pickle juice can cure hangovers in an instant. They have been secretly using this technique for quite some years now. You can also try this tip to get over your hangover.

10- Beer


‘Lohe ko lohe katta hai,’ you must have heard of this phrase if you live in India. The same goes for this hangover cure. People in the Netherlands fight fire with fire. They drink beer to remove the effects of a hangover.

11- Menudo


Let’s get to the Mexican cure for bad hangovers. This one is a no-no for those who do not eat beef. Menudo is a soup made from tripe which is known to reduce the effects of a bad hangover in Mexico.

12- Onion Soup

12- Onion Soup

Finally, back to a normal cure for hangovers. The French people have made us fall in love with their cuisine, and now they are also making us fall in love with their hangover cure. Drinking a perfect onion soup is all that French folks need to get back on their feet after fighting a hangover.

13- Hair of the Dog

hair of the dog

Don’t be startled by the name. You are not literally using the hair of the dog to cure the hangover. It is a name for a drink that has been known to get rid of hangovers in England.

14- Sauerkraut


The Eastern European dish is known to cure the headaches that originate from a hangover. Also, it soothes gastrointestinal effects. Sauerkraut is a finely cut raw cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria.

15- Bacon Sandwich

bacon sandwich

Britain and its unique cures for hangovers are still a better love story than Twilight. The English people claim that eating a good and tasty bacon sandwich will serve as a cure for all your ale problems.

16- Ginseng


Ginseng is a Chinese root that has been known for its extreme medicinal benefits. It is a natural diuretic that will increase the production of urine, which ultimately removes all the toxins from your body that make you suffer a bad hangover.

17- Garlic Soup

garlic soup

Garlic Soup, known as Ajo Blanco in Spain, is a home remedy used by the Spanish to get rid of hangovers. It has been working for them for many years now and is surely worth a try.

18- 13 Black Pins

13 black pins

Finally, it’s time for some voodoo trick to do the magic for you and cure the hangover. People who believe in magic and rituals suggest that putting 13 black pins into the bottle that cursed you will cure your hangover.


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