North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), is a country with a unique political and social system that is known for its strict rules and regulations. The government exercises tight control over nearly every aspect of its citizens’ lives, resulting in a set of rules that may seem shocking and highly restrictive to those from outside the country.

These rules are enforced to maintain the supremacy of the ruling party and the cult of personality surrounding the Supreme Leader. Loyalty and obedience to the state are paramount, and any form of dissent or disrespect towards the leadership is strictly prohibited. This has created a society where surveillance and informants play a significant role, resulting in a climate of constant monitoring and self-censorship.
Shocking Rules You Have to Follow in North Korea
1. Loyalty to the Supreme Leader

North Korea operates under a cult of personality, where loyalty to the Supreme Leader, currently Kim Jong Un, is of utmost importance. Publicly expressing any form of dissent or disrespect towards the leadership is strictly prohibited.
2. Restricted Media Access:

The media is tightly controlled by the state, and citizens have limited access to information from outside North Korea. Foreign media is heavily censored, and unauthorized possession or distribution of foreign media is forbidden.
3. Surveillance and Informants

There is a pervasive surveillance system in North Korea, and citizens are encouraged to report on each other’s activities. Informants play a significant role in monitoring the population and reporting any perceived wrongdoing.
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4. Restricted Travel

For both domestic and international travel, citizens must have official authorization. The government keeps an eye on and regulates travel between cities and regions.
5. Three Generations Rule

Alleged political offences can result in punishment not only for the individual but also for their immediate family and even extended relatives, spanning up to three generations.
6. State-Approved Hairstyles:

North Korea has guidelines for acceptable hairstyles, with a limited selection of state-approved options. Men and women are expected to adhere to these regulations, which are periodically updated.
7. Ban on Western Influence

Western cultural influences, including music, movies, and fashion, are heavily restricted. The state promotes its own propaganda and strictly controls the cultural products available to the public.
8. Mandatory Military Service

All males who are physically capable must serve in the military for a set amount of time. This can include serving in the reserve forces or being on active duty for a number of years.
9. No Criticism of the Government

Open criticism of the government or the leadership is strictly prohibited and can lead to severe punishment, including imprisonment or even execution.
10. Curfew and Restricted Nighttime Activities

There are curfews in place, and citizens are expected to remain indoors during certain hours. Nighttime activities are restricted, and movement outside during curfew hours requires special permission.
11. Limited Access to Foreign Currency

Most citizens are prevented from using foreign currency. Access to foreign currency is limited to a small segment of the population, mostly those working in certain industries or engaged in overseas trade.
12. Restricted Ownership of Electronics

Ownership of radios and televisions is regulated, and these devices are typically pre-tuned to receive only state-controlled channels.
13. Ban on Defacing or Disrespecting Symbols:

Defacing or showing disrespect towards symbols of the state, such as portraits of the Supreme Leader or political slogans, is strictly prohibited.
14. Controlled Education:

North Korea’s education system is tightly regulated and used for indoctrination. The dominant political philosophy and state loyalty are emphasised in the curriculum. Mandatory ideological classes that advance the cult of personality centred on the Supreme Leader are another component of education.
15. Restricted Access to Foreigners

Foreigner interactions are closely watched and regulated. The majority of citizens are prohibited from interacting directly with foreigners without authorization, and unapproved interaction with foreigners may be viewed as a security danger.